Jai Wolf’s aptly titled Kindred Spirits is the perfect starting point in describing his collaboration with MNDR on the EP’s track, “Like It’s Over.” The pair share a similar penchant for invoking genuine emotion from machinic means, which is no easy feat. Atop cinematic swells of Day-Glo synthesizers and a metronomic pulse of a drum machine, MNDR’s plaintive yearn of “Hold on to me, ’cause I need a closure… Hold on to me like it’s over” is a velvet-gloved punch of heartbreak and nostalgia delivered to the face.
- Release date: 11/18/2016
- Record Label: Mom + Pop
- Listed in: Featuring MNDR
- This Space In My Heart Is For You
- Indian Summer
- Gravity (feat. JMR)
- Like It's Over (feat. MNDR)
- The World Is Ours
- Drive (feat. Chain Gang of 1974)