Jai Wolf’s aptly titled Kindred Spirits is the perfect starting point in describing his collaboration with MNDR on the EP’s track, “Like It’s Over.” The pair share a similar penchant for invoking genuine emotion from machinic means, which is no easy feat. Atop cinematic swells of Day-Glo synthesizers and a metronomic pulse of a drum machine, MNDR’s plaintive yearn of “Hold on to me, ’cause I need a closure… Hold on to me like it’s over” is a velvet-gloved punch of heartbreak and nostalgia delivered to the face.

  • Release date: 11/18/2016
  • Record Label: Mom + Pop
  • Listed in:


  1. This Space In My Heart Is For You
  2. Indian Summer
  3. Gravity (feat. JMR)
  4. Like It's Over (feat. MNDR)
  5. The World Is Ours
  6. Drive (feat. Chain Gang of 1974)